In the bustling heart of San Francisco, art fair producer Ted Cassidy is finalizing preparations for Autumnfest 1977, his grand expo. His plans take an eerie twist when a man, claiming to be the ghost of the legendary showman P.T. Barnum, appears and offers to bring the spirits of famous 19th-century artists and performers to participate in the fair alongside his own exhibitors and acts. Ted initially brushes him off as an obvious fraud. But when Barnum returns with a host of renowned ghostly figures, Ted decides to take a chance on this eccentric offer. After all, exhibitor sales at his festival have been disappointing, and he urgently needs something fresh and exciting. And it pays off.

As the expo evolves, attendees are treated to otherworldly displays: Auguste Rodin meticulously sculpts The Kiss while Edvard Munch recreates his haunting The Scream. Moreover, the fair’s stage resonates with spectacular performances — Buffalo Bill’s thrilling Wild West show featuring sharpshooter Annie Oakley, Tchaikovsky’s spellbinding presentation of The Nutcracker, and Houdini’s jaw-dropping escape acts.

But the festival takes a dark turn when young women start to go missing. Realizing that a serial killer’s ghost has infiltrated the festival, luring women back in time to the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair, Barnum and Ted must embark on a perilous rescue mission. Will the pair be successful in saving the lives of festival-goers and restoring peace and safety? Or has Ted opened a portal that can never be closed?

Introducing Warren Cook

For over forty years, Warren Cook produced hundreds of major art festivals. Throughout this fantasy narrative, he’s blended in behind-the-show scenes and introduced characters and situations typical of these events.

Cook lives in Ventura California with his partner JoAnne Hunot, a full-time artist. He has four kids and seven grandchildren who live all over the map, but he visits them as often as possible.

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